Bardin Mikhail

Head, Department of  Climate Monitoring and Probabilistic Forecast, Yu.A. Izrael Institute of Global Climate and Ecology (IGCE).

PhD in Geophysics (1994). Dissertation “Characteristics of cyclone activity in the Northern Extratropics for Climate Diagnosis and Forecast

1978  – Department of Mathematics, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute

1980-1990 –   Hydrometcenter of the USSR, research scientist 

1991-1996  -   IGCE, senior research scientist

1997-2014 –   Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, senior research scientist

2014-              IGCE, Head, Department of  Climate Monitoring and Probabilistic Forecast.

Scientific field: climate variability and change, atmospheric circulation, weather and climate extremes

Scientific publications: over 50 papers

Principal publications

Bardin M.Yu. (lead  author), O.N. Bulygina, T.V. Platova.  Climate extremes – Second Roshydromet Assessment Report  on climate change and its Consequences on the territory of the Russian Federation

Bardin M.Yu. Scenary forecasts of air temperature variations for the regions of the Russian Federation up to 2030 using the empirical stochastic climate models – Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 2011, № 4. p. 217-228

Bardin M.Yu. Anticyclonic quasi-stationary circulation and its effect on air temperature anomalies and extremes over western Russia– Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 2007,  № 2. С. 75-84.

Bardin M.Yu., Polonsky A.B. North Atlantic Oscillation and synoptic variability in the Europe-Atlantic region in winter – Izvestia RAS, Physics of Atmosphere and Ocean, 2005, v. 41, No.2, p.3-13

Bardin M.Yu.Air temperature variability over the western areas of Russia and adjacent countries in the 20th century - Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 2002. № 8. p. 1-15.

Bardin M.Yu. Principal modes of variability of winter cyclone frequency in the Atlantic sector- Meteorologia i Gidrologia,, 2000, №1, p.42-52 (in rus.)

Bardin M.Yu. Regional quasi-stationary regimes of the extratropical Northern Hemisphere winter circulation. Part 2. distribution and horizontal structure of fluctuations- Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 1999, №2, p.7-16

Bardin M.Yu. Regional quasi-stationary regimes of the extratropical Northern Hemisphere winter circulation. Part I: geographic distribution and regime-related geopotential anomalies - Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 1999, №1, p.1-12

Bardin M.Yu. Definition of winter circulation regimes in northern extratropics using h500 data in key regions – Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 1996, №5, p.11-28

Bardin M.Yu. Variability of cyclone characteristics in the extratropical middle troposphere of the Northern Hemisphere – Meteorologia i Gidrologia, 1995,  №11, p.24-37 (in rus.)

Published in 2013 -2018:

Bulygina O.N.,Korshunova N.N. Bardin M.Yu., Davletshin S.G., 2018:  Russia [in “State of the Climate in 2017”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (8), S233–S239, doi:10.1175/2018BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.

Bardin M.Yu., Kislov A.V. Dynamics of the climate system on the territory of the Russian Federation – pp.42-47 in book: National report “Global climate and soil cover in Russia: assessment of risks and ecology – economy consequences of soil degradation. Adaptive systems and technologies of rational environmental management (agriculture and forestry). Ed. A.I. Bedritsky. M., GEOS, 2018 in rus.

Bardin M.Yu., Rankova E.Ya., Rocheva E.V., Samokhina O.F. Climatic anomalies of SAT in summer 2016. Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017, №2, pp. 137-142 in rus

Kovalenko O., Bardin M., Voskresenskaya E., Changes in characteristics of extreme air temperatures over the Black Sea region and their variability due to relationships with interannual large-scale climatic processes. - Fundamental and Applied Climatology, 2017, v.2, pp.42-62 in rus

Zolotokrylin, A.N., Cherenkova, E.A., Titkova, T.B.,, Mikhailov A.Yu., Bardin M.Yu.,  Shiryaeva, A.V., Vinogradova, V.V.Change in yields of cereal crops in European Russia caused by the quasi-biennial oscillation of atmospheric processes. Izvestiya Rossiiskoy Akademii Nauk, Seriya Geograficheskaya 2016. №2. С. 90-99 in rus 

Voskresenskaya E., Bardin M., Kovalenko O. Climate variability of anticyclones in Black-Mediterranean region / Quaternary International. – 2016. – Vol. 409 (A). – P. 70 – 74. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.09.096

Cherenkova, E.A., Bardin, M.Y., Zolotokrylin, A.N. The statistics of precipitation and droughts during opposite phases of the quasi-biennial oscillation of atmospheric processes and its relation to the yield in the European part of Russia. Meteorology and Hydrology, № 3, pp. 160-169 

Bardin M.Yu., T.V. Platova, O.F. Samokhina. Specific features of variability of cyclone activity in northern extratropics associated with leading atmospheric circulation modes in Atlantic-European sector. - Fundamental and Applied Climatology, 2015, v.2, pp. 14-40 in rus 

Bardin M.Yu., T.V. Platova, O.F. Samokhina. Climate change features on the territory of North Eurasia from regular monitoring and their possible factors – Trudy Gidrometcentra Rossii, 2015, 358, p.13-35.

Alexander Polonsky, Elena Voskresenskaya, Mikhail Bardin  Chapter 8. Variability of Extratropical Cyclonic Activity in The Northern Hemisphere Associated With Global Processes in The Ocean-Atmosphere System  - In book: Cyclones: Formation, Triggers and Control, eds. Kazuyoshi Oouchi  and Hironori Fudeyasu, pp. 161-196    Nova Science Publisher, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-63117-097-3

Second Roshydromet Assessment Report on Climate Change and its Consequences on the Territory of the Russian Federation. General Summary. 58 p. M. 2014 Ulbrich U., Grieger J., Schuster M., Leckebusch G.C., Akperov M., Mokhov I.I., Bardin M.Y., Feng Y., Wang X.L., Gulev S., Rudeva I., Tilinina N.D., Inatsu M., Keay K., Simmonds I., Kew S.F., Liberato M.L.R., Trigo I.F., Lionello P., Reale M. et al. (2013): Are Greenhouse Gas Signals of Northern Hemisphere winter extra-tropical cyclone activity dependent on the identification and tracking algorithm? - Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Vol. 22. № 1. p. 61-68.