At the IGCE seminar, scientific reports are heard on topical modern problems of science, including climatology, atmospheric physics, and ecology. The purpose of the meetings is to inform the meeting participants on the issue under consideration, to clarify the range of their opinions, as well as to determine the prospects for further research.
For more effective consideration of issues, the seminar chairman usually asks the speaker to provide extended abstracts of the report in advance (within 10 pages in MS Word format, Times Roman 12 font, single spaced). They state the problem, characterize the methods used, present the results, provide a brief comparison with other works, and provide a list of key publications. These extended abstracts are sent to specialists and posted on the IGCE website. The chairman asks a specialist on the issue to give an extended commentary on the report and asks one of the meeting participants to keep a brief record of the questions/answers and statements of the participants. These materials are sent to specialists and posted on the IGCE website.
Contacts for participation in the seminar:
Academic secretary of IGCE Gladilshchikova Anna Artem’yevna (tel. +7 499 7483914, e-mail science(at)
Materials from the latest seminar sessions can be downloaded:
— On June 5, 2024, at the seminar of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Izrael (IGCE), a report was made by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Igor Petrovich SEMILETOV (V. Il’yichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) with co-authors: “CLIMATIC AND ECOLOGICAL MONITORING OF THE ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC SEAS OF RUSSIA (1994-2024): PROBLEMS AND SELECTED RESULTS”.
The session was chaired by the Scientific Director of the IGCE, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Mikhailovich SEMENOV.
The introductory remarks and conclusion were made by the Chairman, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Mikhailovich SEMENOV (IGCE).
The commentary was given by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Aleksey Viktorovich ELISEEV (Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University; A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences; Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University).
Seminar session materials:
– Extended abstracts of the report by I.P. Semiletov;
– Presentation for the report by I.P. Semiletov;
– Presentation for the commentary by A.V. Eliseev;
– Audio recording of the seminar session (will be available here a little later). _______________________________________________________________________________________________
– May 30, 2024 at the seminar of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Izrael (IGCE), a report of the candidate of the Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Chernokulsky Alexander Vladimirovich (Institute of Physics of Atmosphere named after A.M. Obukhov RAS) was held:
“Physical climatic risks for commercial companies and practical approaches to their assessment.”
The scientific director of IGCE, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Semenov Sergey Mikhailovich, was chaired.
Comment was made by the candidate of geographical sciences Aquentieva Elena Markovna (the Main Geophysical Observatory named after A.I. Voeikov).
Seminar meeting materials:
– Expanded theses of the report of Chernokulsky A.V.;
– Presentation to the report of Chernokulsky A.V.;
– Audio recording of the seminar meeting (will be available here a little later). _______________________________________________________________________________________________
— On April 10, 2024, at the seminar of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Izrael (IGCE), the following report was presented: “UPDATING METHANE EMISSION VALUES IN THE COAL INDUSTRY OF RUSSIA”. Authors: V.Kh. Berdin, I.A. Kevbrina, A.A. Mironov, N.V. Uledova (International Center for Sustainable Energy Development (ICSED)).
The report was presented by Vladimir Khakimovich BERDIN (ICSED).
The scientific director of IGCE, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Mikhailovich SEMENOV chaired the session.
The following made detailed comments: Mikhail Mikhailovich DYGAN (Russian Energy Agency) and Alexander Ilyich NAKHUTIN (IGCE).
They provided feedback on the proposed improved methodology.
The report was followed by numerous questions and an interesting discussion.
Abstract. A draft improved methodology for estimating methane emissions from open and underground coal mining is presented. The methodology is intended for use in preparing the “NATIONAL INVENTORY OF ANTHROPOGENIC EMISSIONS FROM SOURCES AND ABSORPTIONS BY SINKS OF GREENHOUSE GASES NOT REGULATED BY THE MONTREAL PROTOCOL”. The emission value is estimated correctly using the proposed methodology. The need to improve it is associated with changes in mining conditions and technologies that have occurred recently. The proposed improved methodology corresponds to these changes. It can be recommended for use in estimating emission values from 2016. The uncertainty assessment requires revision and additional discussion.
Seminar meeting materials:
– Presentation for the report;
– Audio recording of the seminar (will be available here a little later). _______________________________________________________________________________________________
— On April 3, 2024, at the seminar of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Izrael (IGCE), a report was made by SOTIRIADI Nazar Sergeevich, Managing Director, Risks Block, Sberbank PJSC: “THE CONCEPT OF RISK IN FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SYSTEMS. APPROACHES TO WORKING WITH NON-CLASSICAL RISKS ON THE EXAMPLE OF ADAPTATION OF BANKING BUSINESS TO CLIMATE CHANGE”.
The session was chaired by the Scientific Director of IGCE, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences SEMENOV Sergey Mikhailovich.
The commentary was made by the Head of the Climate Risk Analysis Department Mark Olegovich SIDOROVSKY (Financial Stability Department, Bank of Russia).
Seminar session materials:
– Introduction: Using the concept of winning. S.M. Semenov ;
– Extended abstract of the report by N.S. Sotiriadi;
– Presentation of the report by N.S. Sotiriadi;
– Presentation of the commentary by M.O. Sidorovsky;
– Audio recording of the seminar session. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
— On March 20, 2024, at the seminar of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Izrael (IGCE), a report was made by candidate of technical sciences, research fellow of the International Center for Analysis and Decision Choice (National Research University Higher School of Economics) Pavel Pavlovich KHACHIKYAN: “THE CONCEPT OF RISK AND DECISION-MAKING UNDER CONDITIONS OF UNCERTAINTY. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS OF NATURAL NATURE”.
The scientific director of IGCE, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Mikhailovich SEMENOV chaired the session.
The commentary was given by Alexander Vladimirovich CHERNOKUL’SKY, PhD in Physics and Mathematics (A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
Seminar session materials:
– Introductory example of using the risk concept. S.M. Semenov;
– Extended abstracts of the report by P.P. Khachikyan;
– Presentation of the report by P.P. Khachikyan;
– Audio recording of the seminar session.
— November 13, 2023 at the seminar of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Izrael (IGCE) there was a report by Academician of the RAS Boris Nikolaevich PORFIRYEV and Corresponding Member of the RAS Alexander Alexandrovich SHIROV (Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences):
“Climate Policy and Economics:
– Scenarios of socio-economic development with low levels of greenhouse gas emissions: justification of the target scenario;
– Economic aspects of adaptation”.
The scientific director of the IGCE, corresponding member of the RAS Sergei Mikhailovich SEMENOV presided.
Candidate of Biological Sciences Vladimir Nikolaevich KOROTKOV (IGCE) made a comment.
Seminar meeting materials:
– Presentation of the report by Porfiryev B.N.;
– Presentation of the report Shirov A.A.;
– “Commentary to the reports of B.N. Porfiryev and A.A. Shirov.” Korotkov V.N.;
– Audio recording of the seminar meeting .
— November 8, 2023 at the seminar of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Izrael (IGCE) there was a report by Candidate of Economic Sciences Sergei Pavlovich SEMENTSOV (Center for Sustainable Development of the VEB Institute):
” Why do businesses finance projects related to climate change? “
Extended abstracts of the report are attached .
The scientific director of the IGCE, corresponding member of the RAS Sergei Mikhailovich SEMENOV presided.
Candidate of Economic Sciences Igor Alekseevich MAKAROV (National Research University Higher School of Economics) made a comment.
Presentation of the report by S.P. Sementsov is attached.
Abstracts for the seminar. Makarov I.A.
Audio recording of the seminar meeting .
— April 26, 2023, at a seminar at the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Izrael (IGCE) there was a report by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, prof. LOGOFET Dmitry Olegovich (Laboratory of Mathematical Ecology, Institute of Atmospheric Physics named after A.M. Obukhov RAS): “ Matrixes in mathematical ecology: mind games or a tool for understanding reality? “
Extended abstracts of the report are attached . The speaker’s CV is attached .
The scientific director of IGCE, corresponding member of RAS SEMENOV Sergey Mikhailovich presided.
KRUPCHATNIKOV Vladimir Nikolaevich (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences made a detailed commentary .
A video recording of the seminar is available at the link here .
— December 14, 2022 at 14-00 at the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Izrael (IGCE) a meeting of a scientific seminar was held dedicated to the problem of “nuclear winter”. The seminar was chaired by Sergei Mikhailovich SEMENOV, the scientific director of the IGCE.
In his opening remarks (presentation attached ) S.M. Semenov briefly described the problem, the contribution of its researchers – members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Georgy Sergeevich GOLITSYN and Paul Joseph KRUTZEN, and also showed a recording of an interview with one of the American researchers – Carl Edward SAGAN ( ) .
The main report of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Alexander Samuilovich GINZBURG (A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences) “FORTY YEARS OF DISCUSSIONS ON THE POSSIBILITY OF A “NUCLEAR WINTER” was heard. Presentation is attached .
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences made a detailed commentary. KRIVOLUTSKY Alexey Alexandrovich (Central Aerological Observatory of Roshydromet).
An interesting discussion took place.
Full recording of the meeting prepared by the technical moderator of the seminar V.S. Shushpanov (IGCE), available at the link .
— May 11, 2022. Speaker: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. A.A. Krivolutsky (Central Aerological Observatory (CAO) of Roshydromet) “GLOBAL NUMERICAL MODELS OF THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND THERMODYNAMIC REGIME OF THE ATMOSPHERE UP TO AN ALTITUDE OF 130 KM. RESULTS AND PROSPECTS.” Chairman: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.M. Semenov (Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Izrael). Commentators: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E.M. Volodin (G.I. Marchuk Institute of Computational Mathematics) and Ph.D. A.A. Kiselev (Main Geophysical Observatory named after A.I. Voeikov). Video recording of the meeting is here .
— December 1, 2021. Speaker: Doctor of Geographical Sciences A.V. Kislov (Faculty of Geography, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Meteorology and Climatology) “PALEOCLIMATE: HISTORY OF CLIMATE, SPECTRUM OF CLIMATE VARIATIONS, MILANKOVICH CONCEPT.” Post-release (Brief summary of the report and link to the video recording of the meeting) .
— May 26, 2021. Speaker: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences EAT. Volodin (Institute of Computational Mathematics RAS named after G.I. Marchuk) “CARBON CYCLE IN THE CLIMATE MODEL of INM RAS.” Commentator: Ph.D. M.D. Korzukhin (FSBI “IGKE”). Review (commentary) Ph.D. M.D. Korzukhin on the abstracts of the report by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. E.M. Volodin at the IGCE seminar 05/26/21 (video)
— March 31, 2021. Speaker: A.Yu. Bogdanovich (FGBU “IGCE”, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov) “ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN RUSSIA IN THE XXI CENTURY ON THE SUITABILITY OF TERRITORIES FOR CULTIVATION OF GRAIN CROPS UNDER ADRIDITY CONDITIONS.” Authors of the report: A.Yu. Bogdanovich, V.N. Pavlova, E.Ya. Rankova, S.M. Semenov. Commentator: Ph.D. A.V. Chernokulsky (Institute of Atmospheric Physics named after A.M. Obukhov RAS). Video recording of the IGCE seminar meeting on March 31, 2021.
– May 29, 2019. Speaker: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. A.N. Filipchuk (FBU “All-Russian Research Institute of Forestry and Forestry Mechanization” – FBU “VNIILM”). “BASIC PROVISIONS OF THE METHOD OF ACCOUNTING CO2 ABSORPTION IN FORESTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION.” Commentator: Ph.D. M.D. Korzukhin (Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Izrael). Audio recording 1 . Audio recording 2 .