
since 1990: monographic publications, conference proceedings, atlases


Assessment of greenhouse gas flows in ecosystems of regions of the Russian Federation. Edited by corresponding member. RAS A.A. Romanovskaya. Moscow: IGKE, Print LLC, 2023. 343 p.

The monograph summarizes estimates of the average annual balance of the main greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) in terrestrial ecosystems of different types of the Russian Federation. The estimates were made using the “bottom-up” method, i.e. based on data from ground measurements and research using a geoinformation approach and statistical materials. This is the first time such a comprehensive assessment has been carried out in our country. Previous studies focused only on individual ecosystems or were based on expert suggestions or top-down modeling, which did not allow them to fully judge the extent of their correctness. This paper provides quantitative uncertainty values ​​for all greenhouse gas fluxes under study. As a preface, a critical analysis of the results obtained for ecosystems of different types is given and the full annual balance of greenhouse gases in Russia is summarized, taking into account both natural and anthropogenic fluxes of greenhouse gases. It has been shown that with a high degree of probability Russia is a net source of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The monograph is aimed at identifying the most “problematic” issues that require further scientific work to clarify the balance of greenhouse gases in ecosystems.

The book is addressed to a wide range of scientists, specialists in the field of ecology, climatology, soil science, forestry and agriculture, teachers and students, decision makers at the federal and regional levels.


CORRECTIONS to the printed version of the monograph :

page 20 Figure 1 “Greenhouse gas flows by type of gas and by federal district from ecosystems, million tons of CO 2 -eq. per year (negative values ​​– absorption, positive – emissions) (according to the Research Report…, 2018).” The x-axis in Figure 1 is million tons of CO 2 -eq. in year;

page 21 Figure 2 “Greenhouse gas flows by types of gases and types of natural ecosystems in Russia, million tons of CO 2 eq. per year (negative values ​​– absorption, positive – emissions). The figure shows the error bars for the greenhouse gas balance values ​​for each type of ecosystem (according to the Research Report…, 2018). The y-axis in Figure 2 is million tons of CO 2 eq. in year;

page 21 third paragraph from the top “- based on the net absorption of CO 2 in forests (-804 million tons of CO 2 ).

Lipka O.N., Andreeva A.P., Kokorin A.O., Mazneva A.V. CLIMATE CHANGE AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION. Glossary of terms. – M.: FGBU “IGKE”, 2023. – 124 p.

The glossary includes current versions of terms used by Roshydromet, the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, the UNFCCC, the CBD, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the World Meteorological Organization, IUCN and other reputable scientific and environmental organizations. A number of terms have been added to reflect the specifics of the Arctic. The publication is intended for specialists involved in the conservation of biological diversity in a changing climate: ecologists, biologists, geographers, climatologists, teachers and students of universities, as well as all those who love the nature of Russia.

Guidelines. Calculation of greenhouse gas emissions and preparation of reports for Central Asian countries (taking into account the Paris Agreement) / United Nations publication. Copyright © United Nations 2021. ST/ESCAP/2977. October 2021, Bangkok, Thailand. UDC: 504.7+551.583. BBC: 26.23. M545. © Federal State Budgetary Institution “IGKE”, 2021. © Team of authors, 2021. October 2021, Moscow, Russian Federation. – 272 s.

Guidelines. Calculation of greenhouse gas emissions and preparation of reports for the countries of Central Asia (taking into account the Paris Agreement) (Moscow: IGKE, 2021. – 272 p.) are published without official editing in Russian. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of ESCAP or any UN agency.

IGKE team of authors: Ginzburg V.A., Nakhutin A.I., Vertyankina V.Yu., Govor I.L., Grabar V.A., Zelenova M.S., Imshennik E.V., Lytov V.M. ., Polumieva P.D., Popov N.V., Trunov A.A.
On the ESCAP side, Ms. Aneta Nikolova, Environment Officer, Environment and Development Division, led the overall project and capacity development activities, and Ms. Wanpassorn Pongsri-Yam, Team Assistant, Environment and Development Division, provided technical support and administrative support.
Editors: Lipka O.N., Bogdanovich A.Yu.
Proofreader: Andreeva A.P.
Designer: Zemskaya V.V.

Development of “Methodological recommendations. Calculation of greenhouse gas emissions and preparation of reports for the countries of Central Asia (taking into account the Paris Agreement)” was made possible thanks to the ESCAP regional project to support the countries of the Asia-Pacific region in fulfilling their obligations under the Paris Agreement, funded by the Russian Federation.

Methodologies for GHG Emissions Inventories and Paris Agreement Reporting: A Practical Handbook / United Nations publication. Copyright © United Nations 2021. ST/ESCAP 2977. October 2021, Bangkok, Thailand. UDC: 504.7+551.583. © FGBU “IGCE”, 2021. © Group of authors, 2021. October 2021, Moscow, Russian Federation. – 237 p.

Methodologies for GHG Emissions Inventories and Paris Agreement Reporting (Moscow: IGCE, 2021. – 237 p.) is issued without formal editing in the English language. Views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect that of ESCAP or any UN agency.

The team of authors from IGCE includes: Ms. Veronica Ginzburg., Mr. Aleksander Nakhutin, Ms. Victoria Vertyankina, Ms. Irina Govor, Ms. Vera Grabar, Ms. Maria Zelenova, Ms. Ekatherina Imshennik, Mr. Vladislav Lytov, Ms. Polina Polumieva, Mr. Nikita Popov, Mr. Aleksander Trunov.
From ESCAP side Ms. Aneta Nikolova, Environment Affairs Officer, Environment and Development Division has managed the overall project and capacity development activities, and Ms. Wanpassorn Pongsri-iam, Team Assistant, Environment and Development Division provided technical and administrative support.
The Practical Handbook was edited by Ms. Oksana Lipka, Mr. Anton Bogdanovich.
The Practical Handbook was translated from the Russian to the English language by Ms. Tatiana Shishkina.
Layout, design and artwork was provided by Ms. Victoria Zemskaya.

The development of the Methodologies for GHG Emissions Inventories and Paris Agreement Reporting: A Practical Handbook was made possible through the ESCAP regional project on Supporting countries in Asia-Pacific to meet commitments to the Paris Agreement funded by the Russian Federation.

Ogureeva G.N. and others. Biodiversity of Russian biomes. Plain biomes. Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Institution “IGKE”, 2020. – 623 p. ISBN: 978-5-6044800-3-8

The book is a biogeographical overview of 35 lowland biomes, which are displayed on the scientific reference map “Biomes of Russia”, published in a series of nature maps for higher education. Concepts and approaches to the classification of terrestrial ecosystems and compilation of map legends are outlined. Data on the biodiversity of ecosystems, flora and fauna of regional biomes is provided. Their comparative geographical analysis gives an idea of ​​the connection between environmental conditions and quantitative characteristics, reflecting the current state and degree of knowledge. In practical terms, a unified scientific basis is provided for obtaining further knowledge about the biodiversity of biomes at the species and ecosystem levels, to justify environmental measures, which has a broad prospect for application. For specialist geographers, biologists, ecologists and a wide range of readers interested in the nature of Russia and the prospects for its conservation.

Theoretical and experimental foundations for stabilizing the modern climate by creating aerosol formations in the lower stratosphere / Israel Yu.A., Borzenkova I.I., Gulevsky V.A., Andreev Yu.V., Danelyan B.G., Zakharov V.M. , Ivanov V.N., Kashin F.V., Kulyapin V.P., Revokatova A.P., Ryaboshapko A.G., Savchenko A.V., Severov D.A., Chayanova E.A. – Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Institution “IGKE”, 2019. – 287 p.

The publication of the monograph is timed to coincide with the 90th anniversary of the famous scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Antonievich Izrael. The book summarizes the main results of the work of leading specialists from a number of institutes of Roshydromet, carried out in 2008-2014. under the leadership of Yu.A. Israel and devoted to theoretical and experimental research into the possibilities of stabilizing the Earth’s global climate using geoengineering methods. The monograph is printed in its original version, but in preparation for publication the authors carried out editorial work and updated the results obtained in accordance with modern scientific ideas, and added links to subsequent publications of the authors on the topic of the monograph.

Chernogaeva G.M. and others. Environmental pollution in the regions of Russia at the beginning of the 21st century. Moscow. 2019. 232 p. ISBN 978-5-906644-48-0 .

The monograph examines the trends and dynamics of environmental pollution in the Russian Federation over a ten-year period from 2007 to 2016. The results of an analysis of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the country’s natural resources, as well as certain aspects of the socio-economic situation, are presented. An assessment of the state and pollution of the environment in urbanized areas is given, highlighting priority problems such as pollution of atmospheric air, fresh surface water and soil cover, as well as the generation of industrial and consumer waste. The work separately examines the natural and anthropogenic preconditions of the environmental situation associated with changes in anthropogenic load on the territory. A geographical analysis of the negative anthropogenic impact on the territory of Russia by constituent entity and federal district is given, highlighting the territories with the most unfavorable environmental conditions. The monograph is intended for the general public, scientists and environmental practitioners.

Semenov S.M., Govor I.L., Uvarova N.E. The role of methane in modern climate change. Moscow, 2018, 106 p. ISBN 978-5-9631-0687-7  .

Methane is one of the main greenhouse gases. The increase in its content in the atmosphere during the industrial era, along with the enrichment of the atmosphere with carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, contributed to modern greenhouse warming. The paper describes natural and anthropogenic sources of methane, its historical and modern concentrations in the atmosphere, the mechanism of increasing the greenhouse effect with increasing concentrations, possible scenarios for changes in global emissions and global methane concentrations over time, and the possibility of reducing its anthropogenic emissions into the atmosphere. The information presented in this book is based on scientific publications, as well as the authors’ own developments.

Monitoring of greenhouse gas flows in natural ecosystems / Ed. D.G. Zamolodchikova, D.V. Karelina, M.L. Gitarsky, V.G. Blinova. – Saratov: Amirit, 2017. – 279 p.

A monograph by G.V. was published.  Loads and E.Ya. Rankova (IGKE) “Observed and expected climate changes in Russia: air temperature” .

The monograph presents the results of an analysis of the state of the climate, its seasonal and geographical features and current trends in its change according to observational data. Indicators of climate variability, anomaly and extremes are considered. Assessments of expected climate changes for the coming decades are proposed based on physical-statistical models using observational data and available modeling results.

Methods for assessing the effects of climate change on physical and biological systems. / Semenov S.M., editor. / Moscow, 2012, Research Center “Planet”, 512 p.

(Download:  Beginning  Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Afterword )

Problems of environmental monitoring and ecosystem modeling. / Israel Yu.A., Semenov S.M. et al., eds. / Volumes X – XXV.  Since 2015, this ongoing peer-reviewed publication has become a scientific journal .

[1987] [1988] [1989] [1991] [1992] [1993] [1996] [2000] [2002] [2003] [2005] [2007] [2009] [2010] [2011] [2013] 

(Download individual articles/sections of volume XXV (2013):  pp. 1-8 (Beginning. Contents) ,  9-28 ,  29-41 ,  42-70 ,  71-93 ,  94-114 ,  115-130 ,  131 -153 ,  154-174 ,  175-204 205-223 ,  224-250 ,  251-264 ,  265-287 ,  288-299 ,  300-313 ,  314-359 ,  360-374 ,  375-394 ,  395-427  ,  428-441 ,  442-453 ,  454-478 ,  479-487 )

Vetrov V.A., Kazakov S.V. Environmental management and nuclear energy in Russia. – M.: Atomenergoizdat, 2010. – 416 p.

Israel Yu.A., Tsyban A.V. Anthropogenic ecology of the ocean. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2009. – 532 p.

Degtyarev A.I. Monsoons in the global atmospheric circulation system: diagnostics and modeling. – Moscow, 2009. – 296 p.

Ecological state of the Dnieper basin in Russia / Ed. Chernogaeva G.M., Zelenov A.S., Zelenova M.S., Malevanov Yu.A. – M.: Meteorological Agency of Roshydromet, 2009. – 230 p.

Trends and dynamics of environmental pollution in the Russian Federation… / Ed. Israel Yu.A. / Issues 1 and 2.

[2007] [2013]

Semenov S.M., Yasyukevich V.V., Gelver E.S. Detection of climatogenic changes. – M.: Publishing Center “Meteorology and Hydrology”, 2006. – 324 p.

Possibilities of preventing climate change and its negative consequences: the problem of the Kyoto Protocol: materials of the Council-seminar under the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. / Rep. ed. Yu.A. Israel. – M.: Nauka, 2006. – 408 p.

Study of the Baltic Sea Ecosystem / Ed. Israel Yu.A., Tsyban A.V. – St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 2005. – 323 p.

Essays on the history of the hydrometeorological service of Russia. / Israel Yu.A., Bedritsky A.I., Tsaturov Yu.S., Chelyukanov V.V. Volume 3 book 1. – St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 2005. – 339 p.

Essays on the history of the hydrometeorological service of Russia. / Israel Yu.A., Bedritsky A.I., Tsaturov Yu.S., Chelyukanov V.V. Volume 3 book 2. – St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 2005. – 390 p.

Scientific analysis of the results of the “World Conference on Climate Change”. Moscow September 29 – October 3, 2003. IGKE. / Israel Yu.A. – Chairman of the editorial board. – M., 2004. – 264 p.

Semenov S.M. Greenhouse gases and the modern climate of the Earth. – M.: Meteorology and Hydrology, 2004. – 175 p.

Yanshin A.L., Budyko M.I., Israel Yu.A. Global problems of the biosphere. M.: Nauka, 2001.

Scientific aspects of environmental problems in Russia. Main results of the All-Russian Conference. Moscow, June 13-16, 2001. / Israel Yu.A. ed. – St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 2001. – 103 p.

State and comprehensive monitoring of the natural environment and climate. Limits of change. / Israel Yu.A., Chernogaeva G.M., Gruza G.V. et al., eds. – M.: Nauka, 2001. – 242 p.

Minin A.A. Phenology of the Russian Plain: materials and generalizations. – M.: Publishing house. AVT / ABF, 2000. – 160 p.

Sedyakin D.V. Zoocenoses of river macrophytes as indicators of coastal water pollution. – M.: Rosselkhozakademiya, 2000. – 245 p.

Dynamics of ecosystems of the Bering and Chukchi Seas. / Israel Yu.A., Tsyban A.V. ed. – M.: Nauka, 2000. – 357 p.

Semenov S.M., Kunina I.M., Kukhta B.A. Tropospheric ozone and plant growth in Europe. – M.: Publishing house. Center “Meteorology and Hydrology”, 1999. – 207 p.

Abakumov V.A. Biosphere. Humanity. Personality. – M.: Rosselkhozakademiya publishing house, 1998. – 343 p.

Vetrov V.A., Kuznetsova A.I. Microelements in natural environments of the Lake Baikal region. – Novosibirsk: ed. SB RAS, SRC OIGGM, 1997. – 234 p.

Israel Yu.A. Radioactive fallout after nuclear explosions and accidents. – St. Petersburg: Progress-weather, 1996. – 355 p.

Nahutin A.I. Radiation in your home and on the street. – M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1996. – 45 p.

Review of the ecological state of the seas of the Russian Federation and certain areas of the world ocean for 1992 / Ed. Israel Yu.A., Tsyban A.V. – M.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1993. – 173 p.

Study of ecosystems of the Bering and Chukchi Seas / Ed. Israel Yu.A., Tsyban A.V. – St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 1992. – 654 p.

Israel Y.A.; Aleksandrov E.L.; Karol IL; Hrgian A.H. Earth’s ozone shield and its changes. – SPB.: Hydrometeoizdat, 1992. – 287 p.

Assessments of the environmental and socio-economic consequences of climate change. The report of IPCC Working Group 2, prepared under the leadership of WG-2 Chairman Yu.A. Israel, M. Hashimoto, W. J. Mac G. Tegart – St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 1992. – 249 p.

Monitoring of background pollution of natural environments. / Ed. Izrael Yu.A., Rovinsky F.Ya. – Vol. 7. – L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1991. – 296 p.

Monitoring the condition of Lake Baikal. / Israel Yu.A. ed. – L.: Gidrometeoizdat, Gidrometeoizdat, 1991. – 261 p.

Israel Yu.A., Budyko M.I. et al. Upcoming climate changes: a joint Soviet-American report on climate and its changes. – L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1991. – 272 p.

Kogan PM, Nazarov I.M., Fridman Sh.D. Fundamentals of gamma spectrometry of natural environments. – M.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1991. – 207 p.

Monitoring and assessment of the state of Baikal and the Baikal region: Materials of the All-Union Baikal schools and seminars. / Israel Yu.A., Anokhin Yu.A. ed. – L., Gidrometeoizdat, 1991. – 238 p.

Monitoring the natural environment in the Aral Sea basin (development problems): Materials of scientific coordination meetings. / Israel Yu.A., Anokhin Yu.A. ed. – St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 1991. – 216 p.

Chernobyl: radioactive contamination of natural environments / Ed. Yu.A. Israel. – L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1990. – 296 p.

Rovinsky F.Ya. and others. Background monitoring of pollution of terrestrial ecosystems by organochlorine compounds. – L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1990. – 270 p.

Physical aspects of climate theory: Proceedings of the III All-Union Symposium / Ed. Israel Yu.A. – L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1990. – 211 p.

Monitoring of background pollution of natural environments / Ed. Izrael Yu.A., Rovinsky F.Ya. – Vol. 6. – L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1990. – 230 p.

Study of the Baltic Sea ecosystem. Issue 3 / Ed. Tsyban A.V. – L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1990. – 176 p.

Gruza G.V., Rankova E.Ya., Rocheva E.V. Data on climate structure and variability. Air temperature at sea level. North hemisphere. – Obninsk: VNIIGMI – MCD, 1990. – 248 p.


Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Climate changes and weather anomalies: mechanisms and effectiveness of phenological homeostatic reactions”, Yekaterinburg, September 7-10, 2022 / Ural State Pedagogical University; edited by O.V. Yantser, A.M. Yurovskikh, N.S. Bratanova. – Electron. Dan. – Ekaterinburg: [b. i.], 2022. – 1 CD-ROM. – Text: electronic.

Proceedings of the II All-Russian Conference “Scientific Aspects of Environmental Problems in Russia”, Moscow, May 29-31, 2006 / Ed. Yu.A. Israel. – M., 2006 – 464 p.

Radioactivity after nuclear explosions and accidents: Proceedings of the international conference. Moscow December 5–6, 2005. Volume 1. Plenary reports / Ed. Academician Yu.A. Israel. – St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 2006. – 121 p.

Radioactivity after nuclear explosions and accidents: Proceedings of the international conference. Moscow December 5–6, 2005. Volume 2. Radioactive contamination of the environment after nuclear explosions and accidents. Monitoring, databases, pollution fields and their dynamics / Ed. Academician Yu.A. Israel. – St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 2006. – 379 p.

Radioactivity after nuclear explosions and accidents: Proceedings of the international conference. Moscow December 5–6, 2005. Volume 3. Impact of radioactive contamination on anthropogenic and agricultural ecosystems. Radiation doses to the population as a result of radioactive contamination of the environment during nuclear explosions and accidents. Strategies and countermeasures / Ed. Academician Yu.A. Israel. – St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 2006. – 484 p.

World Climate Change Conference. Moscow, September 29 – October 3, 2003 Proceedings / Editorial Chairman. Collegiums Israel Yu.A., Semenov S.M., Gruza G.V. – Moscow: News, 2004. – 624 p.

Scientific aspects of environmental problems in Russia: Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference. In 2 vols. T. 2 / Ed. Yu.A. Israel. – M.: Science. 2002. – 571 p.

Scientific aspects of environmental problems in Russia: Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference. In 2 vols. T. 1 / Ed. Yu.A. Israel. – M.: Science. 2002. – 624 p.

Radioactivity during nuclear explosions and accidents. International Conference. Moscow April 24-26, 2000. Proceedings. / Israel Yu.A., ed. – Volume 1. – St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 2000. – 786 p.

Radioactivity during nuclear explosions and accidents. International Conference. Moscow April 24-26, 2000. Proceedings. / Israel Yu.A., ed. – Volume 2 – St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 2000. – 575 p.


Atlas of water resources and their quality according to Roshydromet monitoring data…


The publication presents a set of information cartographic materials on the quantity and quality of water resources of freshwater bodies of the Russian Federation, indicators of the negative impact on them in the federal districts of Russia and their constituent subjects of the Federation. The publication was prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Institution Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Israel” (IGKE) based on the results of monitoring by Roshydromet using materials from the Federal State Budgetary Institution “State Hydrological Institute” (GHI), the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Hydrochemical Institute” (GHI), the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) and the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) . Atlas materials are an important element of information support for state supervision and control of water resources and their quality in the territories of federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the annual presentation of the electronic version of the Atlas will improve the efficiency of ongoing measures to improve the environmental situation in the Russian Federation.

Atlas of the East Ural and Karachay radioactive traces, including forecast until 2047  / Ed. Yu.A. Israel. – M.: IGKE Roshydromet and RAS, Infosphere Foundation – NIA-Priroda, 2013. – 140 p. Team of authors: Yu.A. Israel, V.N. Vasilenko, V.V. Snakin, E.M. Artemov, E.V. Imshennik, A.I. Nakhutin, S.M. Vakulovsky, A.A. Juror, V.R. Khrisanov, G.V. Mitenko, M.I. Dergacheva, S.Yu. Livantsova, A.A. Uspin.

The atlas is a fundamental, comprehensive scientific and reference work characterizing the contamination (retrospective, current state and forecast) of the territory of the Southern Urals with long-lived dose-forming radionuclides that persist for a long time in landscapes and are included in the life and functioning of ecosystems. Mapping of radioactive contamination is based on field research with soil sampling and subsequent radiochemical analysis (for strontium-90, plutonium isotopes-238, -239, -240) and gamma spectrometric analysis for cesium-137. The objects of research are: the East Ural radioactive trace and the Karachay radioactive trace, the floodplains of the Techa and Iset rivers. Reference materials on the environmental situation in the area affected by the Mayak Production Association are provided.

Atlas of modern and forecast aspects of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the affected territories of Russia and Belarus (ASPA Russia-Belarus) / Ed. Yu.A. Israel, I.M. Bogdevich. – Moscow – Minsk: Infosphere Foundation – NIA-Priroda, 2009. – 140 p.

National Atlas of Russia. Volume 2. “Nature. Ecology”. 2007 / Members of the Main Editorial Board of the NAR: Levitin I.E. (pres.), A.V. Frolov, Yu.A. Israel, Kotlyakov V.M., Kasimov N.S., Zhukovsky V.E. and others. The following organizations took part in the creation of the volume: State Institution Hydrometeological Research Center of Roshydromet, State Institution Main Geophysical Observatory named after. A.I. Voeikova of Roshydromet, State Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet and the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc. – Roscartography, 2007.

National Atlas of Russia. Volume 3. “Population. Economy”. 2008 / Members of the Main Editorial Board: Alexandrov V.I.; acad. Derevianko A.P., Zhukovsky V.E.; acad. Israel Y.A.; acad. Kasimov N.S.; acad. Kotlyakov V.M.; Corresponding member Savinykh V.P. Volume Editorial Board: Krayukhin A.N. (pres.); Berlyand A.M., Kvasnikova E.V., Kobysheva N.V., Komedchikov N.N., Snakin V.V., Rybalsky N.G., Tikunov V.S. – Roscartography, 2007. – 476 p.

Atlas of European cesium contamination after the Chernobyl accident / Ed. Yu.A. Israel. – Luxembourg: Office of Official Publications of the European Commission, 1998.

Atlas of radioactive contamination of the European part of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. / Developed at the IGKE Roshydromet and the Russian Academy of Sciences under the scientific guidance of Academician Yu.A. Israel. – M.: Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography of Russia, 1998. – 143 p.

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