Climate project methodologies

 Climate project methodologies are posted on the Carbon Units Register website

1. Extracting gas from oil wells that would otherwise be vented or flared and utilizing it to generate heat and/or electricity on site
Download:  ru  ( comments ) en

2. Reducing flaring (or venting )  ) associated petroleum gas from oil wells and its use as a raw material
Download:  ru  ( comments )  en

3. Changes in organic carbon reserves in soil on arable lands
Download:  ru  ( comments )  en

4. Conversion of industrial installations from coal/oil fuel to gaseous fuel fuel
Download:  ru  ( comments )  en

5. Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings (small-scale projects)
Download:  ru  ( comments )  en

6. Transition to energy efficient technologies and/or low carbon fuels in new and existing buildings
Download :  ru  ( comments )  en

7. Guide to justifying the additionality of project activities
Download:  ru  ( comments )  en

8. Detection and elimination of leaks in gas production, processing, transportation, storage and distribution systems and oil refineries
Download:  ru  ( comments )  en

9. Reforestation
Download:  ru  ( comments )  en

10. Improved forest management, including protection of forests from fires
Download:  ru  ( comments )  en

11. Improved forest management, including reducing the impact of logging
Download:  ru  ( comments )  en

12. Conversion of existing power plants from coal and/or oil fuels to gaseous fuels
Download:  ru  ( comments )  en

13. Extraction and utilization of gas from oil wells that would otherwise be vented to the atmosphere or flared
Download:  ru  ( comments )  en

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