Journal EMEM. History

Environmental Monitoring and Ecosystem Modelling (EMEM) was founded as an ongoing scientific edition in 1976 by Yuri Izrael, Professor and Head of Hydrometeorological Service of the former USSR. Volumes I–XXV of EMEM were prepared and issued under guidance of Yuri Izrael. The EMEM edition was promoted by the Laboratory of Environmental Monitoring and Climate of the USSR Goskomhydromet and Academy of Sciences (subsequently, the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet and Russian Academy of Sciences). Many leading Russian scientists involved in ecology and climatology published their papers in EМEM. Archive volumes of 1978-2014 can be found here.

In 2015, EMEM was reorganised as a periodical scientific journal according to the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet and Russian Academy of Sciences. The EMEM Editorial Board was also reorganised to include prominent scientists from scientific research institutions of Roshydromet, Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian universities. The declared EMEM publication frequency is 8 issues every 2 years. Issues of the journal from 2015 can be found here.